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A Monthly Aviation Education Variety Show
A Turn for the Better
On Feb 13 at 7PM CST go to:​​​
Sponsored by Avemco

Coming Soon
Seminars & Webinars
I conduct seminars & webinars every year. Check for upcoming presentations or view my previous ones. I hope to see you at my next event!
Schiff Notes
I have many "cheat sheets" for students which summarize and simplify explanations of complex aeronautical concepts and regulations. Click here to view them.
Neat Stuff & Links
Here is a collection of websites, articles, videos and handy links.
My YouTube Channel: TheProficientPilot

Thank you for visiting!
Welcome! Please explore these pages that include stories, photos and links to a lifetime of aviation experiences and aviation educational materials.
Check back often for updates to this new website. More to come!
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